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    Admin IOCP

    Welcome to the member’s area forum, Please be courteous, friendly and polite at all times.
    Please be respectful of others opinions. Any comments that degrade any race, religion, gender, age, or abilities are not acceptable.
    Please enjoy creating topics and discussions with other members and friends.

    Thank you very much for being a part of our online community! If you have any other questions or feedback when participating in our forum, please don’t hesitate to contact us via secretary@iocp.org.uk. We look forward to interacting with you!


    Hello Julie, how does one start a new topic here? The menu bar looks a bit formidable ul, ol, li, code etc

    Admin IOCP

    Hi Martin
    I have started a new topic but will contact the website team to see if they can make the forum more user friendly


    Hi I’m just testing out the forum and will get back to you!


    Hello to everyone. It doesn’t seem like many people are using the forum but I’ll post anyway!

    Anyone using both needling and Swift microwave for vps? If you are, what protocol have you decided works best within clinic and how do you decide the best modality for each patient as both modalities stimulate an immune response? Also, although Swift was promoted as a very short, almost painless treatment not requiring LA, have you found it much easier for you and the patient to anaesthetise prior to treatment?

    Many thanks for any replies.

    Admin IOCP

    Hi Gaynor
    The website team are working on making the forum more user friendly, hopefully there will be more users once completed 🙂
    I will however try and find an answer for you.

    Admin IOCP

    Hi Gaynor
    I have an answer which I will email to you now 🙂


    Hi, I would be interested in the efficacy of the Swift too. I have fallen for sales pitch before and regretted it, so any unbiased results would be very interesting. I HATE VERRUCAE!!!! 🙂

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