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    Hi everyone,

    The forum is pretty basic, but should work ok. If it’s used loads we will probably outgrow it in time.

    Anyway, introducing myself for those who don’t know me – David Holland. I’m Academic Advisor for Podiatry Review, and I’ve also recently joined the IOCP.
    I qualified in 1971, so been around chiropody and podiatry a while.
    I work full-time in Civil Law medicolegal Podiatry now. It’s interesting work, and the money (when it arrives) is ok.

    Look forward to chatting in the future.

    Best wishes,


    Admin IOCP

    Hi David and everyone

    Welcome to the forum and to the Institute.
    Many people will have read articles from David and been to his lecture at previous Conferences of the IOCP.
    Please pop on and introduce yourselves.

    As most know I’m Julie and have worked for the IOCP since 2005, I have 2 daughters, and 2 grandchildren and a very patient husband of nearly 30 years…. In Head Office there are 3 of us in the office, myself (Assistant Secretary), Jill (Company Secretary) who is in her 25th year with the IOCP!! and Pauline (Administrative Assistant) who is in her 6th year with the IOCP..

    The work here at Head Office is very varied and interesting and it is lovely when we get chance to speak with members, so remember if you have any questions however small you feel they are contact Head Office on 01704 546141 πŸ™‚
    Best wishes


    Hi Julie,
    Thanks for the welcome.

    People may not realise that I am also a member of another Podiatry professional body, and was also a member of the Society for 30 years or so. The IOCP office staff are way and above the most friendly and helpful!




    Hi David welcome to the IOCP great to have you on board.
    I have seen you on uk podiatry. Your job roll sounds really interesting.


    Hi Rita,

    Thank you. Thanks, too for being involved here.

    It’s a job – and very interesting sometimes, other times (report-writing and arguing with solicitors) not so much πŸ˜€
    We have a forum to move – what kind of podiatry are you involved in?


    I am involved with general footcare. Myself and my 3 partners have a clinic near Harrod’s in Knightsbridge. Our clinic has been there for 27 years so we must be doing something right. We are so busy.
    So what is a Medicolegal podiatrist? Do you have to look in to cases where someone is being sued? Give your opinion in court etc?
    I missed the AGM this year sorry to say I was sunning myself on a beach in Jamaica. I usually go though.
    Thank you for replying



    Thanks for coming back. I worked in Harley St for several years – liked the punters and Marylebone, Hated London! I can see how a clinic like yours would work well though, and be enjoyable. I did general footcare for many years and enjoyed it immensely.

    The medicolegal stuff is good, and suits someone of my advanced years (!). I work in Civil Law (not criminal) and provide expert evidence to solicitors and the Courts in both clinical negligence and personal injury cases which involve the foot and lower limb, sometimes, but not always, when Podiatrists have been involved.
    I wasn’t able to get to the Conference either this year, but Bond Solon, who are an Expert Witness training company (for GPS, Medical Consultants and Podiatrists amongst many other professions) evidently did a great presentation there.


    Good afternoon all.

    Happy to see this Forum up and running and hope it will get utilised to the benefit of the IOCP members.

    Hello David. Remember coming to one of your courses you ran some years ago with Ian Linane in Tamworth when I first qualified. Great to see you on board with the Institute and to see how your professional role has changed. As I recall Ian was an Expert Witness at that time?

    As I sit here happily distracted by this Forum from the tedium and anxious task of compiling an audit for the HCPC, yes my turn to get called, one does focus somewhat on the finer points of the profession and its future….

    Anyhow before I digress happy weekend all and enjoy the sunshine…



    Hi Phil,

    Thanks for your post, and pleased you enjoyed the course in Tamworth! Yes, I now work in medicolegal, and Ian is running courses in foot and ankle mobilisations as well as his private practice.

    Perhaps bump into you at the enxt Convention?




    Hello David,

    Surprised you may remember me as many years ago but remember the course well as the first CPD event I ever attended. Made quite an impression.

    Certainly we may have chance to cross paths while at IOCP events and look forward to seeing you again.

    Am sure we shall speak again.

    Kind regards,





    Hello Everyone,

    Im Belinda Longhurst (but please call me Bel) and its been 72 hours since my last drink. I was born the year David qualified and if this forum is going to be anything like the one David used to moderate (where we first met) it will be fun!

    My original training was as a chiropodist with the IOCP in 2002, before I went on to study Podiatry at Southampton university. I was lucky to have Dr Ivan Bristow as a tutor there and even luckier to have him as a friend and mentor ever since in my area of special interest: Podiatric Dermatology.

    I`ve recently sold my private practice to indulge my two passions:

    1) Post graduate research in the foot-health world,
    2) Further the work of our charity Forgotten Feet by assisting with setting up new clinics and fund-raising events so we can continue to offer free foot-care to those who are socially isolated/homeless.

    I love to share dermatological clinical gems (that I pick up whilst reading) with colleagues both on forums like this and during lectures/workshops that I run across the UK. So, if anyone has any interesting case studies or burning derm questions, please do share!



    Hi Bel,

    Great to have you aboard, even though:
    a) you’re a bit young to be a proper podiatrist
    b) you mentioned that other forum πŸ˜€

    Got to love the post-grad research, and Forgotten Feet!

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by .

    Wish I could β€œlike” some of these posts….


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 4 months ago by . Reason: I spelt my name incorrectly!

    Hi Graeme,

    You can “like”, but only with a smiley – for now. πŸ™‚

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