COVID-19 Updated guidance for healthcare settings

The last remaining COVID restrictions in England have ended (24th Feb), in the Republic of Ireland the mandatory requirement to wear a mask was removed (28th Feb) and Scotland’s restrictions are due to end onRead more

Updated NICE Guidelines – Suspected cancer: recognition and referral

This guideline covers identifying children, young people and adults with symptoms that could be caused by cancer. It outlines appropriate investigations in primary care, and selection of people to refer for a specialist opinion. ItRead more

BNF hosts antimicrobial summary guidance on behalf of NICE and PHE

BNF Publications will now host the Summary of antimicrobial prescribing guidance – managing common infections on behalf of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Public Health England (PHE). The hosting on isRead more

Coronavirus update 17th July

England Coronavirus – updated information ahead of July 19th 2021 The Governments coronavirus advice is due to change. England will move to step 4 of it’s roadmap in the easing of all restrictions. For fullRead more

Nail anatomy and conditions – copy slides

Copy slides of the nail presentation written and presented by Martin Harvey (9th December 2020 via Zoom) are now available here Nailed_it If you have any questions please contact our team  

Coronavirus Toolbox of links

Please find links with advice for the coronavirus below Coronavirus (COVID-19): latest information and advice – HSE – 17th September 2020 Plastic face shields do masks one better – They made a big difference forRead more

Covid 19 – Coronavirus Information

See our Coronavirus toolbox of links for a list of websites offering advice which is continually being updated UPDATED INFORMATION 27.01.22 A reminder that masks continue to be required in healthcare settings in England InRead more

Introducing you to Community trade union

  We are proud to work in partnership with Community trade union, we believe a good modern trade union is not only essential to a positive and safe workplace but more importantly gives self-employed workersRead more

CoFH members can now access health plans from HMCA

The College of Foot Health has agreed with HMCA to offer discounted rates for medical plans, dental plan, hospital cash plans, travel plan, income protection and vehicle breakdown products. Are you paying too much forRead more

Welcome to our new website

We are delighted to present our new website dedicated to the training and development of Foot Health Practitioners. As you may already know The College of Foot Health was founded by The Institute of ChiropodistsRead more

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