We are delighted to present our new website dedicated to the training and development of Foot Health Practitioners.
As you may already know The College of Foot Health was founded by The Institute of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (IOCP) .With more than 80 years’ of experience in the profession of Chiropody and Podiatry, the IOCP as leading UK professional body recognises that there is an essential requirement to set a definitive benchmark for training, standards, ethics and continuing professional development for the growing profession of Foot Health Practitioners.
This website will promote the importance of Foot Health Practitioners, from initial interest of people looking for a new rewarding career, to established Foot Health practitioners seeking to further their knowledge and careers, as well as providing a source of information to the general public.
We are run by experienced professionals within the field of Foot Health, encouraging our members to actively engage with our board and staff, by way of feedback and through our AGM, to further develop and shape the future of our supportive organisation. We are what you make us!
We are confident this new platform provides the stepping-stone to achieving this objective, and in providing Foot Health Practitioners with the credit you deserve.